Laura and I would like to have the wedding outdoors. Naturally, this means that weather will play a significant factor. To get some idea of what the weather will be like on the big day, I whipped up some Python to calculate local average temperature, rainfall, and wind speed for the time surrounding April 5th.
Clearly the best times are in the morning and the evening. The evening is probably best since it's about 10 degrees warmer at 20:00 than 8:00 and the wind speed drops steadily after 19:00.
import csvHere's the results for April 5th over the past 5 years:
import urllib2
'format': 1,
'year': None,
'month': None,
'day': None,
def _GetRequestData(year, month, day):
request_data = REQUEST_DATA.copy()
request_data['year'] = year
request_data['month'] = month
request_data['day'] = day
return request_data
def GetDayStats(year, month, day):
request_data = _GetRequestData(year, month, day)
get_data = '&'.join('%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in request_data.items())
url = WEATHER_URL + get_data
data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
# Have to clean up the data because Weather Underground doesn't return a
# true CSV file. Instead, it has HTML markup in it :(
data = data.split('<br>')[:-1]
# Remove trailing whitespace and comma.
data = [r.strip()[:-1] for r in data]
reader = csv.DictReader(data)
averages = {
'TemperatureF': 0,
'WindSpeedMPH': 0,
'WindSpeedGustMPH': 0,
sums = {
'HourlyPrecipIn': 0,
mins = {
'WindSpeedMPH': [],
'WindSpeedGustMPH': [],
# DictReader has no __len__ defined. Have to keep count.
num_rows = 0
for row in reader:
num_rows += 1
for k in averages.keys():
averages[k] += float(row[k])
for k in sums.keys():
sums[k] += float(row[k])
for k in mins.keys():
mins[k].append((row['Time'], float(row[k])))
day_stats = {}
for k, v in averages.iteritems():
averages[k] = v / num_rows
for k in mins.keys():
values = mins[k][:]
values.sort(key=lambda x: x.__getitem__(1))
day_stats['Min%s' % k] = values[0]
return day_stats
def GetDayHistory(month, day, start_year, end_year):
days = []
for year in range(start_year, end_year + 1):
days.append(GetDayStats(year, month, day))
avg_stats = {}
min_times = []
for stats in days:
for k, v in stats.iteritems():
if isinstance(v, tuple):
v = v[1]
avg_stats[k] = avg_stats.get(k, 0) + v
for k, v in avg_stats.iteritems():
avg_stats[k] = v / len(days)
return avg_stats, min_times
if __name__ == '__main__':
month = 4
for day in range(1, 8):
print 'History for %d/%d.' % (month, day)
print GetDayHistory(month, day, 2003, 2007)
History for 4/5.From this data, it's obvious that rain and temperature shouldn't be a problem. The biggest problem will be the wind. Here are the relevant weather charts for April 5th, 2007 (unfortunately, 2008 is not available).
'TemperatureF': 61.136611720960197,
'WindSpeedMPH': 7.3304707160832763,
'WindSpeedGustMPH': 11.706614130829021,
'MinWindSpeedGustMPH': 0.0,
'MinWindSpeedMPH': 0.0,
'HourlyPrecipIn': 0.0
['2003-04-05 00:30:02', '2003-04-05 01:30:03',
'2004-04-05 04:45:01', '2004-04-05 20:15:01',
'2005-04-05 02:30:04', '2005-04-05 03:00:01',
'2006-04-05 20:45:01', '2006-04-05 14:45:01',
'2007-04-05 21:30:00', '2007-04-05 22:45:00'])
Clearly the best times are in the morning and the evening. The evening is probably best since it's about 10 degrees warmer at 20:00 than 8:00 and the wind speed drops steadily after 19:00.