What's new?
- JavaScript (via Rhino) support added by Brice Lambson.
- Donut TTS support. Eclair is also now supported. Cupcake, however, is no longer supported.
- Interpreter manager. Interpreters can now be installed, uninstalled, and started as interactive terminals in the new interpreter manager. Press the menu button and then tap "Interpreters."
- ASE Server. You can now launch a background service to host the AndroidProxy. This means you can develop for ASE off the phone more easily by simply directing your scripts to connect to your phone over the network (no USB cable required).
- New APIs and updated Javadoc. Be sure to scroll down to where you can see the @Rpc annotations for documentation.
- Interpreter installation is more robust. Keep filing bugs!
- BufferedReader warnings for BeanShell removed.
Visit the ASE project page to download the latest APK.