As of ASE r16, python-twitter is included with Python. There is a bug that prevents it from working (the fix will be available in r17). But, there's a work around:
- Open ASE shell (Menu > Interpreters > Shell)
- Type
mkdir /sdcard/ase/python/tmp
I'm using the python-twitter module to make it easy to keep track of events on your.flowingdata (yfd). I have the following script:
Works like a champ.
import android import twitter droid = android.Android() t = twitter.Api(username='foo', password='bar') def yfd(data=None): if data is None: data = droid.getInput('d yfd')['result'] if data: t.PostDirectMessage('yfd', data) droid.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': yfd()Then, I have a few shortcut scripts I use for common data entries. For example, goodmorning:
import yfd yfd.yfd('goodmorning')and goodnight:
import yfd yfd.yfd('goodnight')On my Nexus One, I created a folder on my home screen called "yfd" that contains shortcuts to all three scripts. Just before bed, I tap "" and I tapp "" when I wake up. If I have a data point to enter that isn't pre-defined, I tap "" and enter my data.
Works like a champ.